Notice Anything New? We are excited to announce our newly designed website at Our website’s new responsive design, crisp look, and user-friendly navigation are answers to the ever-changing needs of our clients. Our fresh website has several easy to use drop-down menus with updated information about our Tukkolabs services. One of our main goals was…

  Find out how you can step up your game with outsourced work and remote staffing. When making the decision to outsource or utilize remote staff, one of the key factors that people usually don’t consider is knowing how their workflow should work with the remote component.  In many situations, a first time utilizer of…

  Read on to make a well-informed decision by telling you which one is better for your company’s needs. One of the dilemmas small and medium companies would have to face when outsourcing certain services is deciding on whether to pay the skilled professionals for hour-based work or for results-based work. Each billing method has its own…

Because one size does not fill all. Having an online presence is one thing. But having a website that’s customized according to the company’s structure and to the needs of your target clients is another thing. The website is basically your virtual office, so it is but right that it exudes the uniqueness of your…

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