…..According to a report by the World Health Organization (WHO), work is regarded as a positive factor for people’s mental well-being – but working in “negative work environments” may have adverse effects that cause or exacerbate existing states of depression. Depressed people encounter jarring emotions that curb the ability to be productive, make it difficult to concentrate, and can even make it difficult to work with others – and may even feel the need to hide their symptoms in fear of being stigmatized. Have you been suffering in silence? Following are six suggestions that can mitigate the effects of depression at work:

  • Know Your Problem Signs – When you suffer from depression, pay close attention to changes in your behavior. If you start experiencing problems such as difficulty talking to coworkers or having an impaired ability to focus on tasks, take note of what they are and be aware of them. It helps to be able to identify when a down moment is kicking in so that you aren’t blindsided by it. Avoid pushing yourself to compensate by working harder because that will eventually aggravate the situation. 
  • Watch For Your Triggers – Triggers differ from person to person – being able to identify exactly what they are goes a long way in being able to manage them. If you don’t know what they are, keep a journal and write down situations that trigger you as they happen. Upon encountering trigger situations, take time to do something relaxing, like standing up and stretching or going for a short walk.
  • Set Realistic Goals – Huge, back-breaking workloads can really do a number on a person’s confidence. Tasks that are seemingly never-ending can increase stress levels and cause, or worsen, feelings of anxiety. Break your workloads down into smaller, more manageable tasks to avoid feeling overwhelmed.
  • Organize With A To-Do List – Using to-do lists can help visualize the amount of work left to do, making it easier to monitor and organize daily, weekly, monthly, and even yearly tasks. It also helps single out priority work and provides a tangible feeling of success each time a task is ticked off the list.
  • Never Take Too Much Work – You have to learn when and how to say “no” – especially if saying yes will just end up burning you out or causing a nervous breakdown. Before accepting more work, think about your needs first. If accepting an added role or additional workloads puts you at risk of overloading yourself, then it might be better for everyone involved if you voice it out.
  • Go For Wellness Breaks – Office life can be monotonous – so take little breaks here and there to keep yourself balanced.  Sometimes, simply experiencing a different view for five minutes can do wonders for your state of mind. Go out and get some fresh air, break with some coworkers, or perhaps take a short walk to ease your day. Incorporating wellness breaks throughout your schedule can add brief moments of respite from your work environment and give you time to recover. 

…..The most important thing to remember is that you are not alone in your battle with depression. Call trusted friends or family members when drowning in dark moments, or click here for information on how to reach out and get help. And just like depression, when it comes to business, you, too, are not alone. Let Tukko Labs be the solution for you! Call us today!

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